Shiseido Q3 2021 Results

Operating profit was 26.3 billion yen, as compared to 8.9 billion yen the previous year.
Operating profit was 26.3 billion yen, as compared to 8.9 billion yen the previous year.

Shiseido has announced its third quarter 2021 results that show net sales were 745.4 billion yen, compared to 653.7 billion yen the previous year.

Operating profit was 26.3 billion yen, compared to 8.9 billion yen the previous year.

Net profit was 36.8 billion yen, compared -13.7 billion yen the previous year.

Previously: Shiseido Decodes Digital Skin Fatigue

Skin care sales rose 11% in the period. Other bright spots included China e-commerce, results in the Americas and EMEA, and travel retail.

The company has updated its fiscal 2021 net sales forecast from 1,067 billion yen to 1,044 billion yen.

Operating profit has been updated from 27 billion yen to 32 billion yen.

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