Casper, an e-commerce company specializing in sleep products, has launched a "pay-per-nap" store in New York City called The Dreamery.
The nap store allows people to nap for 45 minutes in one of the location's sleeping pods, furnished with Casper products. A 45-minute nap currently runs visitors $25.
In addition to a quick power nap, snoozers are also given skin and personal care products from big name brands.
Products include:
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes from Hello;
- 1 oz of Sunday Riley's Ceramic Slip clay cleanser;
- .3 oz of Sunday Riley's Tidal brightening enzyme water cream;
- 5 ml of Sunday Riley's Luna retinol sleeping night oil; and
- 5 ml of Sunday Riley's C.E.O. rapid flash brightening serum.
The idea of self-care has become increasingly mainstream in today's often hectic, stressful lifestyle. Brands embracing this trend, and offering consumers a siesta-like break while pampering themselves with skin care products, suggest there is a push, from brands and consumers alike, to make little luxuries more accessible and commonplace.