Investors Stand Firm Amid COVID-19

In key categories, investors are actually looking to increase investments.
In key categories, investors are actually looking to increase investments.

A new survey from 500 Startups shows that investors are overwhelmingly committed to continuing their support for startups. Just 14% of the 139 investors surveyed said they would invest 51-75% less following the outbreak. On the other hand, 26% of survey respondents said they'd continue their investment allocations planned prior to the COVID-19 outbreak; 53% of respondents will invest in the same stages planned prior to COVID-19.

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Other key stats:

  • 32% responded COVID-19 will have a negative impact overall
  • 36% answered it will have a somewhat negative impact overall
  • 46.76% responded they were more interested in investing in health care in the wake of the pandemic
  • 10.07% were more interested in investing in at-home goods
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