Sally Beauty Supply & CosmoProf Seek Women Beauty Entrepreneurs

Sally Beauty Supply and CosmoProf have partnered for the Cultivate program that helps women beauty entrepreneurs
Sally Beauty Supply and CosmoProf have partnered for the Cultivate program that helps women beauty entrepreneurs

Sally Beauty Supply and CosmoProf have partnered together once again for the Cultivate program that helps women beauty entrepreneurs grow their business.

Further reading: Sally Beauty Q3 Results & Massive E-commerce Jump

The duo is accepting entries from female-owned hair care, hair color and nail brands who are looking to expand their business, according to the companies.

Four brands will receive online distribution, a business grant and a four-week virtual boot camp focusing on topics such as merchandising, social media, marketing, ecommerce, store operations and entrepreneurship.

Each brand a part of the Cultivate Cohort will present their brand at the Perfect Pitch Capstone event to senior level company leaders who will pick one brand to distribute through Sally Beauty and CosmoProf stores.

Brands can enter between August 17 and September 7, 2020.

Aaron Alt, president of Sally Beauty Supply and chief financial officer said, "We continue to be inspired by the terrific female entrepreneurs we work with and are committed to bringing the best of the best to our consumers while lifting up more female-owned brands."

For more information, visit or

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