Evolvetogether is expanding into more than 50 Bluemercury stores and online at the retailer, an evolution from the brand's direct-to-consumer foundation, which has also included an Amazon expansion. Product prices range from $21 to $95.
"We decided to move beyond DTC to expand our reach, allowing us to integrate our core values of high-performance formulas, beautiful fragrances and environmental responsibility into a physical retail environment," says Cynthia Sakai, Evolvetogether's founder and CEO. "By transitioning into physical retail spaces, we’re offering customers a tangible experience of our high-quality products—where they can smell, touch and feel our products before making a purchase, embodying the personal connection and care that our brand stands for. This approach not only broadens our audience but also enhances the consumer experience by providing direct, personal, and tactile engagement with our products."
Inside the Bluemercury-Evolvetogether Partnership
"The partnership with Evolvetogether is such a natural fit for Bluemercury as the brand embodies what our client is seeking by offering a full suite of high performing, sustainable luxury products that are easy to weave into one's daily routine," says Tracy Kline, Bluemercury's head of merchandising and spa.Bluemercury
"Evolvetogether makes gender-neutral personal care products for the entire family, featuring high-performance, fragrance-led formulas that appeal to everyone, says Sakai. "There is significant white space in Bluemercury’s assortment for a body care brand that is both approachable and comprehensive, and partnering with Bluemercury allows us to fill this gap and introduce our brand as the top choice in their stores. This collaboration aligns with our vision by bringing our beautiful, high-performing, planet-conscious daily essentials to a broader audience in a physical retail space."
Evolvetogether's Amazon Move
Amid a flurry of new beauty brand additions, Amazon is reportedly poised to become the largest category retailer in the United States.
In June, Evolvetogether announced it was debuting on Amazon, its first mass distribution channel.
This launch empowered Evolvetogether to reach an even broader audience that prioritizes both quality and sustainability in their daily lives, while meeting existing customers where they are in their shopping journey with enhanced accessibility.
The brand offering included a range of products including Deodorant, Bar Soap, Hand Cream and Lip Balm.
Of the move, Sakai says, "We chose to expand onto Amazon to connect more effectively with our existing customers and meet them where they frequently shop for daily essentials, ensuring our existing customers could conveniently access their favorite products through a familiar platform."
Evolvetogether's Growth Plans
"Our growth plan is centered around establishing a timeless brand with core pillars of high performing formulas, beautiful fragrances and designs and care for people and the planet," says Sakai.
The founder adds, "We aim to redefine everyday luxury through a minimal yet beautiful aesthetic, delivering mindfully crafted effective formulas. With a commitment to product performance and quality, we humbly seek to be recognized as the reliable and preferred option for all personal care needs, ensuring that every product is not only functional but also enhances the overall self-care experience."