Shiseido Co., Ltd. announced it will launch its Watashi+ total beauty service via the Internet on April 21, 2012 to reinforce the existing official Shiseido website. Watashi+ will provide newly developed content in order to offer solutions regarding customers’ beauty concerns. The new service’s name, Watashi+, is imbued with Shiseido’s desire to provide service that positively benefits customers suited to each and every customer’s needs in order to enrich customers’ lifestyles through cosmetics.
Amid major breakthroughs in web environments and the diversification of customers needs in recent years, existing business models are no longer able to deal with certain aspects of customer service. To bridge the gap, Shiseido is building a totally new business model that connect customers, stores and Shiseido in order to unify web communication and actual experiences at certain Shiseido outlets.
Specifically, the service includes web counseling, in which customers can get advice regarding the most suitable products and beauty methods for them from web-based specialized beauty consultants and by using an online virtual makeup simulator. Other features include a store navigation function, which enables customers to find retail stores near their home or office providing services that are best suited to their needs, and an online store that is an Internet shopping service for customers who do not have enough time or accessibility to stores.
Also, Watashi+ will be interconnected with Shiseido’s Beauty & Co. website, which will be launched in collaboration with beauty and health related companies and professionals on April 2. Beauty & Co. seeks to expand contact points between customers and participating companies’ websites, including Shiseido’s Watashi+ site, by disseminating appealing information as a result of creating cross-industry value. The contents of the Watashi+ online site will address customers’ beauty concerns together with tying into the revitalization of stores by introducing retail stores able to respond to customers’ specific needs. All of this connects to customers visiting the respective sites and stores and raising the quality of customer service, and in turn, strengthening the domestic cosmetics business.