Mixer & Pack Integrates AI System for Quality Inspection, Quicker Delivery

AdobeStock by Kzenon
AdobeStock by Kzenon

Mixer & Pack, a designer and developer of third-party perfumes, has implemented a computer vision system across its packaging lines that integrates AI to conduct quality inspections of its products. The system is designed to reduce consumer waiting times and increase speed and quality of the company’s bespoke services.

The vision and artificial intelligence system will interconnect packaging lines, according to the release, and detect product defects that are undetectable to the human eye. The system includes a camera that identifies errors, minimizing processing times.

This interconnected system reportedly makes Mixer & Pack the first manufacturer of perfumery and home fragrance products to integrate a neural network. The usage of AI will reportedly help streamline the production process by eliminating potential damage throughout the value chain, and enhance quality control, per the release.

Sebastián Durán Chica, maintenance engineer at Mixer & Pack, says, “The goal Mixer & Pack aims to achieve with this solution is to enhance the efficiency of the service we offer to our clients by reducing the waiting times caused by quality inspections of our products. This increases the speed of our services, shortens delivery times and raises awareness among employees about the importance of quality controls.”

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