The Kao Group has announced its Kao Group Mid-term Plan 2025 (K25), covering the five-year period from fiscal 2021 to 2025, which outlines Kao's goals and objectives.
Related: Kao Receives 2020 IR Special Award
The plan includes three company objectives: become an essential company in a sustainable world, transform to build a robust business through investments and maximize the power of employees.
It also outlines three goals and its desired results:
Goal one: take leadership in a self-propelling sustainable society.
Key results:
- Carbon recycling (conversion of carbon dioxide into raw materials)
- Positive recycling (creation of new business through re-use)
- Stop pandemic (eradicate the source of infectious diseases)
Goal two: create another Kao and reinforce current Kao.
Key results:
- New business: launch digital and precision health care business (high-precision bio-analysis and homeostasis enhancement solution)
- Current business: invest in outstanding products development and expand business
- Cosmetics business, sanitary business: pursue next innovation
Goal three: double the productivity of its business activities.
Key results:
- Fair compensation according to challenge and contribution (implementation of OKR* globally)
- Active promotion of talent from outside Kao and doubling the results of collaboration
- Reform to become “digital Kao” to be completed by 2023
*Objectives and key results: New employee empowerment system to be launched in January 2021.