Brands looking to break into the home shopping sector may now have a powerful ally on their side.
The Barrett Group is a recently launched company that was founded "to discover, bring and grow brands, and in some cases repair and innovate brands for the global home shopping marketplace."
Created by beauty industry and home shopping retail veterans Matt Allison and Susie Hassan, the Barrett Group is reportedly connected to QVC, HSN, Evine, The Shopping Channel and international channels such as QVC China, QVC Italy, QVC Germany, among others.
How it Works
Allison and Hassan help brands to find the right audience base and current need, then match them with the best home shopping channel retail partner for maximum success. According to the Barrett Group, it has built a unique and scalable approach that is proven to help its clients secure that coveted on-air spot, create a winning show, get that show renewed, and become a household name.
Allison, who serves as the company's CEO, said, "Many brands have been born out of excitement, new science and innovations; however, we are finding that the brands often miss several steps in the process of going to market. This creates additional costs, delayed launches, unclear brand identity and worse yet. missed opportunities. The Barrett Group vets out any miss steps with our exclusive partners including LemonTree Partners, Ameann Beauty and Beauty Results PR. Together, we can quickly and effectively make the necessary adjustments so that the probability of success is strong. So many of our brands comment that they wish they had met us earlier and would have avoided many mistakes."
According to Hassan, who serves as the company's president, the home shopping marketplace is a prime growth opportunity for beauty brands.
She explained, "Home Shopping networks were the first to develop beauty infotainment. The shows are designed to encourage viewers to try new product and experience new ways to embrace beauty. The viewer is hungry for new products and innovations. And any beauty brand boasting of the latest trend will want a captive audience ready to buy. Home shopping is a machine with a rotating shelf. That shelf could be worth $100,000 every single minute. That's not an opportunity any beauty brand can afford not to try."