Beyond Her Blush delivers makeup, lotion, toner, nail polish, jewelry and a YouTube tutorial that allows the subscriber to create specific looks. The monthly subscription is $18.00 or $20.00 a month with free US Ground Shipping.
"By providing YouTube tutorials, the subscribers are able to use each product featured in the box to generate the exact same look stylists create for their celebrity clients."
The looks are curated by celebrity stylists, comprising five or size beauty products.
"Providing a mood board describing the featured artists and products along with a link for a video tutorial to demonstrate how each product is used together to achieve a specific look, Beyond Her Blush is the latest style inspiration to hit the industry," according to the company.
Founder Michelle Grundman notes, "The service provided by Beyond Her Blush isn't just to provide women with trendy top quality products but rather includes an interactive experience with the customer. Since most women get their style inspiration from celebrities, I wanted to provide a service that would feature these looks from the individuals who know best- highly regarded celebrity stylists. By providing YouTube tutorials, the subscribers are able to use each product featured in the box to generate the exact same look stylists create for their celebrity clients."
Previously: What Walmart Is Learning from Its Beauty Box Program